Welcome to our new website!

11. June 2018 af Steffen Hansen

Our new website is finally online after almost 3 months in the making!


Hi all,


I am happy to announce our new custom-made website is finally ready to be used. We now have a web shop that has the RacingCUBE more in focus and it is easier to get information. Also, accessories! We can now offer accessories with the RacingCUBE and we will make sure everything runs with the pre-configured small formfactor PC.


Everything has gotten an update including the backend, you are now to able to download plugins and view you SimTools License key in your account. However, it will be a day or two before all orders has been imported.


I hope you all like the changes we have made, we are aiming for a simpler design that is easier to navigate. Also, more automation so I can attend to other and more important tasks.